Sunday, September 13, 2009

General Rules During Hiking

** DO NOT Leave Behind Plastics ***

Hike/Trek is all a mind game. Believe in the possibility & you will definitely be able to do it. Its all in your mind. Tune your mind to carry on thought your legs might drag your back & Say to your self "I can DO it & I will carry on" & you will see that the pain in the legs will vanish as soon as you see the beautiful sights.

The Lead/Sweeper:

The lead will take you on the best possible route & will asses for the apt path & for any dangers ahead. keeping up with the lead is safe for you. & will ensure ontime fun.

The sweeper will ensure the whole pack is keeping apace. He will be the tail of the trek group.

Pay heed to the leads & sweeper's request to keep pace.

The Pace:

The trail might be beautiful with awes & ahs that you can never see in city life, but its only one of the many & if you stop for your photo talent more than few seconds, you would be behind the lead which will result in you losing the leads recommended path & best track to follow.

Be vigil, do not set foot on dark places or hallow logs. try not to grab branches for support without the lead instructing thus.


Use water to optimal level, I prefer using it scarce & keeping it for the finale. Asking other person water puts the person on a spot, its his preservation/survival technique which is jeopardised. If you usually dehydrate faster then carry additional water & avoid asking fellow hikers for their bottle.

About snakes/ insects in the forest/mountains[**Not an Expert adivice**].

Not all snakes bites are fatal. Some are Dry bites, Some Are partial. First aid knowledge will definitely help.

If you see a snake in front, without truning your whole body take a quick look to your back to check if the track is clear for other snakes or insects. Then walk backwards while facing the snake & wait for it to move away. generally snakes hate vibrations of human foot, they move away from it.

Always look down before you step; never reach into holes in the ground, trees, and bushes.

First Aid for snake bites:
If you or you member is bitten, lie don keeping the bitten part below heart level. Do not panic. Make the bitten place immobile . Rush to the hospital.

If you have bruise or cut in the mouth do not do oral suction of the poison. Generally sucking the venom from the puncture within 5 minutes reduces 20-30% of the venom & is harmless for the person doing the first aid, but must keep in mind that he should not have any oral wound.

Insect bite in the wild are generally harmless, unless you have some type of allergy. Some bite have very low percentage toxi which can cause anywhere between to bumps to fatigue.

To be Continued...

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